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New Members Welcome
We love new members! It's great to meet new people who love dogs & are interested in participating in the Club. Whether breeding, showing, training for titles or fun . . . there is something 'doggy' for everyone!
Regular meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month (but be sure to check the calendar here) from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Umpqua Kennel Club Training Center located at 8005 Old Hwy 99 Suite E, Roseburg, Oregon.

Dogs really need training!
How to Join
1. Attend at least 2 regular monthly meetings
2. Read the By-Laws
3. Submit a membership application to the secretary with the dues.
Once Joining Requirements are met:
Application will be read to the membership at a regular monthly meeting.
Application will be voted on at the following monthly meeting (applicant may not be present)
How To Be a Continuing Member
Pay yearly member dues of $10 for individuals and $15 for a couple.
Work at one club event (the annual show or other event)
Attend five meetings per year
Maintain good standing with the AKC.
Other Tips
If you need help or have questions - email us - see below!
A map & directions to the training center are on the Contact Page.
The calendar on the Activities Page has the dates of the meetings.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Have questions? Contact us!
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